maroon wave

Salisbury Film Society Presents 'Phoenix' Sunday, March 5

Phoenix Movie PosterSALISBURY, MD—The Salisbury Film Society (SFS) presents the period drama Phoenix 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 5, in Fulton Hall 111. 

Phoenix follows Nelly, a WWII Holocaust survivor who is left disfigured and in search of her husband Johnny. She finds him in a cabaret club called Phoenix and becomes suspicious that he betrayed her to the Nazis. Nelly is split between pursuing a new life in Palestine and attempting to recover her marriage in postwar Berlin. 

Stephanie Merry of the Washington Post said, “Phoenix takes its time and leaves us guessing until the final electrifying scene.”

The SFS series is co-sponsored by the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council (SWAC) and SU’s Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts. Dr. Diana Wagner of SU’s Education Specialties department leads a discussion following the screening.

Tickets are $9, $8 for SWAC members, free for college and university students with ID. For more information call 410-543-ARTS (2787) or visit the SWAC website at www.543arts.org.