maroon wave

Salisbury Film Society Presents 'Cafe Society' Sunday, February 5

Cafe Society Movie PosterSALISBURY, MD—The Salisbury Film Society (SFS) presents Woody Allen’s Cafe Society 2:30 p.m. Sunday, February 5, in Fulton Hall 111. 

This star-studded romantic comedy set in 1930s Hollywood follows a young Bronx native (Jesse Eisenberg) who moves to California to work for his powerful talent agent uncle (Steve Carrell) and subsequently falls in love with his secretary (Kristen Stewart), who is seeing a someone else. 

Calvin Wilson of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch saw, “a love story drenched in nostalgia, Café Society is a film of rare beauty.”

The SFS series is co-sponsored by the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council (SWAC) and SU’s Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts. A group discussion follows the screening.

Season tickets are $20; individual screenings are $9, $8 for Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council members, free for college and university students with ID. For more information call 410-543-ARTS (2787) or visit the SWAC website at www.543arts.org.