maroon wave

National Hispanic Heritage Month activities planned

SALISBURY, MD -- September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month and Salisbury University is celebrating with a piñata full of activities including performances by famed classical guitarist Manuel Barrueco on October 1, the dazzling Ballet Hispanico on October 14, and, later in the semester, the renowned Quin Tango on November 23.

The University's fall cultural affairs program is "A Celebration of Latin American Culture." "There are a lot of stereotypes about Hispanics in the United States. Our visiting artists will educate about the richness, beauty and diversity in Latin culture," said June Krell-Salgado, SU cultural affairs coordinator.

The Hispanic population of the United States, including the Eastern Shore, is growing. In three years Hispanics will surpass non-Hispanic African Americans as the nation’s second-largest ethnic group. By 2050, one in four Americans will be Hispanic, according to the U.S. Census.

SU's semester activities include special Latin American dinners with strolling mariachis, concerts of indigenous music from Native American cultures in Latin America, exhibits of Hispanic art, an SU faculty lecture series, and readings and discussions from the works of the five Latin American Nobel laureates in literature.

For a complete listing of events, please call the SU Office of Cultural Affairs and Museum Programs at 410-543-6271, or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.