Christina Bradley
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, PhD, Biological Oceanography, 2013
Areas of Expertise
- Coastal and Estuarine Ecology
- Stable Isotope Ecology
University of Hawaii Manoa, PhD, Biological Oceanography
University of Hawaii Manoa, MS, Biological Oceanography
Occidental College, BA, Biology
Research Interests
In the Bradley lab, we study community ecology in marine and aquatic environments, using both classic ecological tools as well as stable isotope chemistry. Current projects include assessing before and after communities in restored waterways, examining competition driven by invasive species, exploring food web effects of environmental toxins, and understanding how human impacts change dietary niches of waterfowl.
Teaching Philosophy
I teach Ecology, including an aquatic focused summer section, Estuarine Ecology, and a Special Topics course on Stable Isotope Ecology. My courses include classic lectures, field research, and a range of active learning exercises.
Selected Publications
Bradley, Christina J., Longenecker, Ken, Pyle, Richard L. and Popp, Brian N. (2016) Compound-specific isotopic analysis of amino acids reveals dietary changes in mesophotic coral-reef fish. vol. 558. pp. 65-79. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Pyle, R L., Boland, R, Bolick, H, Bowen, B W., Bradley, Christina J., Kane, C, Kosaki, R K., Langston, R, Longenecker, K, Montgomery, A, Parrish, F A., Popp, B N., Rooney, J, Smith, C M., Wagner, D and Spalding, H L. (2016) A comprehensive investigation of mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago. vol. 4. pp. e2475. PeerJ.
Cvach, Sarah E., Doctor, Steve and Bradley, Christina J. Using Stable Isotopes to Assess Diet Overlap Between Ctenophores (Mnemiopsis leidyi) and Forage Fish (Anchoa mitchilli and Bairdiella chrysoura) in the Maryland Coastal Bays. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Newsome, Seth D., Feeser, Kelli L., Bradley, Christina J., Wolf, Caitlin, Takacs-Vesbach, Cristina and Fogel, Marilyn L. (2020) Isotopic and genetic methods reveal the role of the gut microbiome in mammalian host essential amino acid metabolism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Cvach, Sarah E., Doctor, Steve and Bradley, Christina J. Assessing Abiotic Influences on Ctenophores (Mnemiopsis leidyi) and Forage Fish (Anchoa mitchilli and Bairdiella chrysoura) Presence in the Maryland Coastal Bays. Limnology and Oceanography.
Current Courses
Spring 2025
- Loading BIOL 310...
- Loading BIOL 415...
- Loading BIOL 416...
- Loading BIOL 420...
- Loading BIOL 515...
Summer 2025- Loading BIOL 101...
Fall 2025- Loading BIOL 202...
- Loading BIOL 415...
- Loading BIOL 416...
- Loading BIOL 420...
- Loading BIOL 467...
- Loading BIOL 567...
- Professional Memberships
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Coastal and Estuarine Research FederationThe Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation is a private, not-for-profit, and non-partisan organization. The Federation was created in 1971, when the members of two older, regionally-based estuarine research societies (AERS and NEERS) decided that a national organization was needed to address estuarine and coastal issues more broadly. The regionally based Affiliate Societies now number seven and encompass all of the coastal regions that border the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Ecological Society of AmericaThe Ecological Society of America (ESA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of scientists founded in 1915 to: promote ecological science by improving communication among ecologists;raise the public’s level of awareness of the importance of ecological science;increase the resources available for the conduct of ecological science; and ensure the appropriate use of ecological science in environmental decision making by enhancing communication between the ecological community and policy-makers.
- Presentations
Determining interspecific interactions between ctenophores and fishes in Maryland Coastal Bays using stable isotope analysisNovember, 6 2019CERF 2019 Biennial Conference, Mobile, Alabama
The Effect of Human Alteration and Restoration in Tidal SystemsNovember, 4 2019CERF 2019 Biennial Conference, Mobile, Alabama
Trophic Ecology of Coral Reef Fish Using Compound Specific Stable Isotopic AnalysesJune, 21 2018Mesophotic Coral Reefs Gordon Research Conference, Bates College, Maine
- Service Activities and Community Relations
I oversee the science portion of Wicomico Creekwatchers, measuring water quality parameters of the Wicomico River using a network of community and student volunteers, and engaging the public in monitoring river health.
- External Collaboration Highlights
I have two ongoing collaborations with members of the Maryland Coastal Bay area, one with MD-DNR fisheries scientists and one with the private organization Maryland Coastal Bay Program. Both seek to understand the fish populations and their interactions within coastal water communities. This work has supported one graduate student at SU, with hopefully more to come.
- Press Releases
Henson Faculty Named to Inaugural Alliance-Building Offshore to Achieve Resilience and Diversity Cohort
Monday, September 13, 2021