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Disciplinary Verification

Students (current or former) and third parties may request disciplinary verification from Student Accountability & Community Standards for study abroad programs, transfer admission applications or applications for graduate/professional programs, employment, etc.

Disciplinary Verification Questions

How do I submit a request?

  1. Submit a form to Student Accountability & Community Standards.
  2. Specify what type of records is sought and provide the required supporting documentation.
  3. Requests may take up to five (5) business days to process.

What information can be provided?

  • Disciplinary verification letter: Letter from Student Accountability & Community Standards stating any conduct record the student may have. This includes incident date(s), violation(s), sanction(s) and sanction status.
  • Disciplinary verification form: A form with a signed release is provided by the requestor and uploaded with the form.

What information will be disclosed?

Please note that student conduct files related to non-academic misconduct are retained until a student graduates or for the period of five (5) years, whichever occurs sooner, except for those resulting in suspension and dismissal, which are retained indefinitely. Code of Community Standards violations resulting in a warning will not be reported externally unless required by law. Pending charges and sanctions that remain incomplete at the time a student leaves or withdraws from the University may be kept indefinitely and reported externally as pending. For additional information, please refer to the Code of Community Standards.

Will I receive a copy of the information disclosed?

Per our process, the student will receive a duplicate of the letter and information disclosed for their records whenever current contact information is available.