MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: The Mathematics of Games (Austin) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Mathematics Applicable to Real Life Decision-Making (Barber) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Mathematics of Voting (Bergner) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Sustainability-Related Mathematics (Carmack) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Statistics through Baseball (Halperin) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Math in a Changing World (Hetzler) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Moneymathics, where Money and MathematicsMeet (Holdai) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Music and Mathematics (Ludwick) |
MATH 105 |
Liberal Arts Mathematics: Math for the Environment (Manns) |
MATH 130 |
Fundamental Concepts I |
MATH 135 |
College Algebra |
MATH 140 |
MATH-140-7W: College Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH-140: College Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH 150 |
Data and Probability Connections |
MATH 155 |
Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis |
MATH 160 |
Introduction to Applied Calculus |
MATH 160 |
Introduction to Applied Calculus - Barber, Hetzler |
MATH 198 |
Calculus I for Biology and Medicine |
MATH 201 |
Calculus I |
MATH 202 |
Calculus II |
MATH 210 |
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics |
MATH 214 |
Statistical Thinking Laboratory |
MATH 215 |
Introduction to Financial Mathematics |
MATH 216 |
Statistical Thinking |
MATH 230 |
Fundamental Concepts II |
MATH 300 |
Introduction to Abstract Mathematics |
MATH 306 |
Linear Algebra |
MATH 310 |
Calculus III |
MATH 311 |
Differential Equations I |
MATH 313 |
Survey Design and Sampling |
MATH 314 |
Regression Analysis |
MATH 315 |
Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics |
MATH 316 |
Statistical Learning with Applications |
MATH 380 |
Internship |
MATH 385 |
Directed Study |
MATH 390 |
Undergraduate Research Project |
MATH 402 |
Theory of Numbers |
MATH 406 |
Geometric Structures |
MATH 411 |
Design and Analysis of Experiments |
MATH 413 |
Mathematical Statistics I |
MATH 414 |
Mathematical Statistics II |
MATH 415 |
Actuarial and Financial Models |
MATH 422 |
Advanced Differential Equations |
MATH 430 |
Mathematical Connections for Secondary School Teachers |
MATH 441 |
Abstract Algebra I |
MATH 442 |
Abstract Algebra II |
MATH 447 |
Cryptography |
MATH 451 |
Analysis I |
MATH 452 |
Analysis II |
MATH 458 |
Complex Analysis |
MATH 465 |
Mathematical Models and Applications |
MATH 471 |
Numerical Methods |
MATH 472 |
Numerical Linear Algebra |
MATH 475 |
Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos |
MATH 482 |
Computer Graphics |
MATH 490 |
Selected Topics: Prediction Methods (Carmack) |
MATH 490 |
Selected Topics: Introduction to Graph Theory (Halperin) |
MATH 490 |
Selected Topics: Combinatorics (Shifler) |
MATH 493 |
Advanced Topics in Statistics |
MATH 495 |
Directed Consulting |
MATH 502 |
Applied Statistics |